Thursday, February 2, 2012

Frustration and Failure

Last night was rough.

After our team basketball pictures and dinner with the family it was time to do the Burn Intervals and Ab Burner workouts.

I've banged these out with no problem the last 3 weeks.

Last night was different.  I couldn't get the energy up.  The way the intervals work, it's 1-2 minutes of intense cardio, usually a plyometric type thing, then 2-3 minutes of high-rep low-weight weightlifting.

I couldn't do it last night.  Every time I got into a cardio interval, I felt nauseated.  Serious impending vomit nauseous.  I was cutting the cardio bits off early, and eventually skipping them altogether.

I decided that instead of half-assing it, I would wake up early and do it this morning.

So I went to bed early, got up, and went back to the workout.

It was the same thing.

I wish I knew what was going on.  I just didn't have it.  I wanted to, tried to, push through it.  But the energy just wasn't there.  I had to stop.  I only ended up doing about 2/3 of the workout.

I feel like a complete failure.'s the rub.

After breakfast (turkey sausage and one of the bagel thins with a little cream cheese), I headed up to get in the shower.  Before stepping in, I hopped on the scale (or as Conrad called it last night, the weigher).  I was just under 310.

Under 310.

And I've been really hungry lately.  Extremely hungry.  I even had a handful of potato chips last night I was so hungry.  First potato chips I've had in over a month.

Under 310.

That's a big number for me.  Back in June-July, I was 370.

Under 310.  With my breakfast in my gut.  And I hadn't even taken my morning crap yet.

That means I had lost about 5-6 pounds since Saturday.

Tonight is Burn Circuit 3, after basketball practice.  I'm really excited for it.  I hope my body doesn't lack the energy again.  I might try to eat a more filling meal before practice, maybe that will help the energy.  Last night I only had one service of brown rice, and this beef pepper and onion stir-fry that I had made.  Maybe it just wasn't enough to keep me going through the exercises.  I hope that's it.  I don't want to feel this failure again.


  1. #1 Under 310 is amazing! I'm not just saying that to make you feel better either. You know I wouldn't do that because I'm a bit of a bitch. That is NOT failure. That is awesome!

    #2 Don't give up on the exercise. Seems like we're all having serious energy issues recently. I have a theory, which I will be blogging later. But never give up. Or I'll phone-cooter-punch you. (That's my Mortal Combat finishing move. Don't bother trying to figure it out; you'll never find the button.)

    1. Heh, I just read your theory. I thought Ryan with his constant coughing was going to be patient zero, but since coming back from his Colorado skiing trip, he hasn't coughed hardly at all. Must have been tuberculosis and the cold air cured him or something.
