Sunday, February 5, 2012

Burn Phase Done...and this week's Montage

Friday I finished the final workout of the Burn Phase.  It's time for a little review.

Today, I am at 310 pounds.  In July I was 370.  I'm three pants sizes down (46-40) and can comfortably wear many 2XL shirts, where before I was pushing 4XL.

I feel physically better.  Much better.  I'm walking taller, my daily aches and pains are less.  I'm doing very well.

Just to recap, friday's workout was another cardio one, followed by yoga.  I was pretty nervous about a cardio workout after wednesday's utter failure.  I vacillated somewhat, pushing it back a little, but finally got underway.

I killed it.  I really did.  I pushed harder in that cardio workout than I had in any others, by a wide margin.  It felt fucking great.

Today I start the Push Phase of the workouts.  Where the Burn Phase has you reaching muscle failure in 10-12 reps on each exercise, this one requires muscle failure in 6-8.  I'm looking forward to it.

Time to do some house cleaning, but first, this week's Montage:


  1. This is awesome bro! You are on target for incredible things. Love the montage as well. Tomorrow I start the real diet. Making big changes. Protein protein protein......
