Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An Example Dinner

I thought I'd share with you a representative dinner that I'm eating on the program.  First, though, let's examine my food intake for the day.  Breakfast this morning was half a bagel thin with fat-free cream cheese and jalapeno.  (Note:  Capsaicin is a natural appetite suppressant.  That's not why I use them, I love jalapeno, but that is a nice side benefit)  With that I had 3 turkey sausage links.

Morning break allowed me time for a protein bar.

Lunch was a turkey sandwich on a whole wheat sandwich thin with a slice of provolone, pickles (calorie/fat/etc. free...just full of sodium), and more jalapeno slices.  With that I had a protein shake.

Afternoon break was another protein bar.

Dinner tonight was this:

What you see there is a pork chop seasoned with Old Bay and cooked in olive oil.  Accompanying that is broccoli with a touch of margarine (love those steam-in-the-microwave) bags, and fat-free cream cheese.  I had a second serving of broccoli, but that was it.  The drink is the aldi's version of Crystal Light.

So let's look at the ingredients:

Broccoli brings a ton of nutrients and fiber to the party.  The pork is a lean meat, with a high protein content.  Fat-free cream cheese is pretty much straight protein, with a share of carbohydrates too.  A very well-rounded and tasty meal.  I enjoyed it, the boys enjoyed it, the dog enjoyed the boys' leftovers.

And just for Steph, I close this blog entry with a motivational image:


  1. Good looking meal. What you had on the plate was nice as well :P

  2. ACK! Thanks. No really. Appreciate the mention. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to google "Jared Padalecki shirtless" to try and wash this motivational gif from my memory.
