Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yup...2011 Is Over...Good Riddance

2011 is over.  Thankfully.  I don't think I could have taken too much more 2011.  Easily the worst year of my life.

You can see my last post.  June 30th, 2011.  The day my wife left.  The day she moved out.  It hurt so much.  It still does.  I still love her, with all that I am.

Wait, I don't want this to get too Twilight-y, or feel of emo-bullshit-angst.  Really.  Just know that it's been horrible.  I've had good days and bad days.  Mostly bad.  But I'm trying.  I've done little things to try to get my life in a better spot.  Some have worked.  Most haven't.

I got onto one of the online dating sites.  Most of the women there are kinda crazy.  I met a couple, one I just didn't click with, and another that I wanted to.  I wanted to so badly.  Things moved fast.  Too fast.  I was happy when I was spending time with her, but every time I left, I would feel terrible.  Like I was cheating on Amy.  The woman I want.  Those brief moments of happiness would make me so upset and I would beat myself up for days afteward.  I had to end it.

I'm not going to do anymore dating.  Right now, there's only one woman I want.

That's enough about that.  I'm having good days.  More good days, anyway.

Seth's speech has improved by leaps and bounds.  That has made it so much more easier for him and I to interact.  I don't lose my cool as easily as before, mainly because he isn't losing his cool so easily.  He's so much fun with the nerf guns.  Seth, Conrad, Arienne and I have had more than a few nerf gun wars.  The only hard part is making sure Conrad isn't aiming at faces, even though Arienne is the one that hit me in the face!

I'm also coaching Conrad's CCYO basketbal team.  I'm enjoying it even more than I thought I would, even with the few 'parent' issues I've had.

I'm really trying to make 2012 better.  I'm not going to be all rah-rah or anything like that.  That's not me, not right now.  I'm not going to set resolutions or anything like that.  I'm just going to set some goals.

1.  Write more.  I enjoy it.  I should do it more.
2.  Take more pictures.  I think I might keep the old Rebel XT in the car with me, or get a little point and shoot to keep with me at all times.  I'm also going to make sure I'm taking more photo 'trips'.
3.  I want to start doing more 5k's.  I enjoyed training for them when I was.  When I identify what ones I'm doing, I'll post them here.
4.  I also want to do the Run For Your Life in Baltimore...maybe a closer one will be organized, which would be tits.
5.  Play more guitar/drums.  I've got Rocksmith for the 360, which is a stupid amount of fun.  I'm going to try to play it as much as I can.
6.  More outdoors stuff.  I started getting back on my mountain bike before the fall ended, and I loved it.  I want to get out on it more once spring comes.  I'd also like to take a serious hiking trip, or do a couple of the Adirondack High Peaks.

These are all things that I can do to make 2012 better.  Make myself a better person.  I hope.  I'm planning on posting here more often, use this as a mental dumping ground.  It'll be fun, if I actually keep it up!

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