Sunday, January 8, 2012

How I'm Going About Hitting the Goals

So, last post I set out some goals I had for the year.  I've been thinking about them and trying to set a plan in motion on how to attain them.  Let's take a look at them one at a time.

1.  Write more

I'm an up and down writer.  When the mood strikes me, I'll write a shitload of stuff.  I've actually even had a story included in a commercial anthology.  Yes, I included the link so you can buy it.  So go buy it.

That being said, my writing is more in my head and doesn't get written down.  I need to start writing more of it down.  So, for that goal, I'm not doing the greatest.  Although, writing here is still writing, right?  ISN'T IT?  DAMN SKIPPY IT IS, SO GO TO HELL.

2.  Take more pictures

Well, the backup camera is by the front door ready to go in the car.  Not much more to say there.

3.  More 5k's, and 4.  Run For Your Life

These two are really getting combined into one.  I tried starting the Couch to 5k program, but my treadmill has crapped the bed.  So, I spent quite a bit of time last week researching workout plans.  I needed one that didn't require a bunch of equipment, and was under 50 minutes or so.

I decided on ChaLEAN Extreme.  And yes, the UNBELIEVABLE SMOKING HOTNESS of the chick that pushes it did have a major impact on the choice.  Also, the fact that I can do it with the resistance bands I already have and the workouts are around 40 minutes a piece were factored in.  Also, the chick is CRAZY hot.  So that will help keep my attention.  Seriously.

You can click on the link to purchase it...or you can just stare at the hot chick.

My first workout session with this is tonight.  Afterwards, maybe I'll post a little bit about how it went.  Or I won't.  I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU!

5.  Play More Guitar/Drums

I play Rocksmith on the 360 at lunch every day.  Done and done.

6.  More Outdoor Stuff

Well, that's kinda on hold waiting for better weather.

So, I'm doing decently...and have a plan in place to start.  Here's to hope.


  1. My sister is mad-crazy about Chalean. You want a better workout, tell my sister Chalean is an ugly skank. She will beat you until you bleed monthly. I'm guessing you'll still be smiling after that workout too.

  2. If someone said that me right now I'd probably have to fight them, bare-knuckle Far and Away style. Just without all the Irish people. Or Tom Cruise.
