Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If There Was Ever a Day To Skip a Workout...

I had excuses lined up asshole deep.  Which I'm assuming is pretty deep.  Although I guess it kinds of depend on the particular asshole.  So if it were my asshole, that might be quite a bit...but compared to a giraffe, my asshole is looking pretty good.

See what I mean?  Looking good.

Anyway, day started rough (talked about that already earlier), although I had a pretty good day at work.  Lunch was my typical shake/sandwich combo.  Seth's pick up went well after work, and I headed home.  Once there I started dinner (teriyaki pork stirfry with brown rice, actually came out great).  While cooking dinner, my daughter and I had a little disagreement which we resolved.  Seth wanted nothing to do with dinner and proceeded to completely melt down.  After dinner, Conrad and I headed to practice, for which only four kids showed up, which means a ton more running for coach.  Still had a good practice though.  Then we got home.  Normally I send the boys to bed at this point and get to my workout, around 8:30.

But Conrad's homework wasn't finished yet.

And he didn't get it finished until about 9:30.

So I wouldn't be starting my workout until 9:45 or later.

Yikes.  And my mood was still pretty sour besides from the events of the day.  And my legs were tired from running at practice so much.

Old Fat Jason would have said "Screw it...I'll make it up" knowing full well that Old Fat Jason wouldn't actually make it up.
(Old Fat Jason--look at the size of that pitcher...it looks like a glass in my giant meat fingers)

But New Temporarily Fat Jason decided to do the workout anyway.  My mood hadn't really improved, and I think I noticed it affecting how I was working out.  I was half-assing some stuff that I wouldn't normally half-ass.  Easy stuff, that I was taking shortcuts on.  So I had to make a concerted effort to stop doing that.

And something funny happened.

My mood improved.  Substantially.

I am SO GLAD I didn't skip the workout.  Just freakin' ecstatic.  Really.  Lesson learned.  


1 comment:

  1. Hell ya man. The mental side of working out is the hardest thing to combat. But it sounds like your winning the fight for sure. Just show up, and keep pressing play. Keep pressing play......
