Friday, January 20, 2012

The Price of Convenience

We've got a busy weekend ahead of us.  Basketball games, super-late Christmas with my parents, cleaning the boys' room MY WAY.  (You're doing the Frank Sinatra voice now, aren't you?  As long as it isn't the Fred Durst voice, because that would piss me off.)

Tangents, Jason, tangents...focus...

Sorry.  So, busy weekend.  I decided to get a jump by grocery shopping immediately after work.  I left the boys home with Arienne, and decided I would grab something easy to make for when I got home.  I burned through the grocery stores at warp speed, getting the items on my list while keeping an eye out for "Convenient and Healthy".

Well...stores don't really cater to Convenient and Healthy.  So I started thinking.  I had pretty much skipped snacks and a real lunch today.  Not because I was thinking ahead, but I just really wasn't hungry.  My lunch was a slim jim and an apple.  I know...slim jim...but I was out running errands on my lunch hour and knew I needed to get some protein for tonight's workout.  I really wasn't hungry.  The slim jim was easy to grab, and the apples were in the kitchen at work.

I decided I could grab a pizza from Tops to bake at home, and if I stuck with a piece, I'd be golden.

It was good thinking.  It was also good pizza.  Tops really loads the cheese.

I ate 3 pieces.


So about an hour and a half later, I got the boys to bed and started tonight's workout.  Tonight was actually two workouts, Burn It Off and Recharge.

Burn it off is thirty minutes of intense cardio.

With a gut full of pizza.


I didn't puke.  I wanted to.  But I didn't.  And once I'd been pumping for about ten minutes, the sick-y nauseous feeling went away, so that was good.  But until then, I was dragging ass.  It was still a great workout.  The second part, Recharge, is really just Yoga and stretching, so I made it through both pretty well.  And I honestly feel great, even though that sick-y nauseous feeling is back.

Oh well.

Tomorrow's a Rest Day.  I feel I've earned it.  It's been a long hard week, but also productive in some aspects.

Until next time.


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