Sunday, January 29, 2012


So, on a couple workouts last week, I was feeling major knee pain.  Enough to make me seriously consider stopping the workout.  I didn't stop, and after a few different exercises, it usually went away.  But trust me, it was excruciatingly painful while it was happening.

Last Thursday was week 3, Burn Circuit 3.  One of the ones that had caused some knee pain.

And it was happening again.  This time, instead of just toughing through, I paused the workout for about 30 seconds and thought about what was happening.

The knee pain started with the new dumbbells.

But the dumbbells enhance the workout so much.

I couldn't scrap them.  And besides, I had given the bands to my mother...

So I got thinking about what was different.  This is the conclusion that I came to.  It's very hard to have bad form with the bands.  With the type of resistance they offer, you are kind of forced to be in a correct position or everything just feels wonky.

With the dumbbells, however, you're completely in control of all the forces at the same time.

That's the difference.  My form must have been off.  With my form being incorrect, then odd stresses would be applied to my joints.  That makes sense, right?

So I restarted the workout after the 30 seconds, and this time REALLY concentrated on my form.

It made all the difference in the world.  Take the squats for example.  If your knee goes past your ankle at all...bad form.  Undue stresses on the knee.  Dead Lifts...if your back isn't straight, you're putting wrenching forces on your lower back...and so on.

Once I had corrected the form, the pain went right away.  I just finished week 4 Burn Circuit 1, and didn't have one iota of knee pain, and actually, during the cooldown phase, I was able to stretch my body considerably farther than I had before.

So when Tits McGee on the video is talking about keeping your back straight and your knees over your ankles, listen to her.  Well...listen to her while you're staring at her chest, but still listen.

One other final note...back before week 2 I went searching for cross trainers.  I may be flat footed or something, but the cross trainers just killed my feet.  Being a major basketball fanatic, I have plenty of basketball sneakers around, and switched to working out in those.

If you find your feet being sore during shoes.  Specifically Adidas.  They're sooooo much better.  I guess my cross trainers are my new walkaround shoes, as I'm not using them for working out any more.

Well, anyway, I'm tired.  Tonight's workout was a great ending to an overall rough day.  But, my kids are back, until Wednesday anyway, so things are looking up.



(The motivational montage for week 4 will premiere tomorrow.  I spaced on it today, and I'm too tired to look for it tonight...)


  1. I have been working out just barefoot( did legs and back today like that). Probably wouldn't suggest for any sort of jumpy, bouncy workouts, since my feet take a royal beating after a while though.

  2. Pick a good montage this week! Smelly pirate hooker!
