Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Knowing When to Fight Through

I was really pumped to workout tonight.


All in all, today was a pretty rough day.  Some things that I had to deal with today caused some real frustration, at several different times of the day, but every time I felt myself getting frustrated, I remembered that today was a burn circuit workout.  I've enjoyed them every time before, there was no reason to not enjoy this one.  Remembering this helped me stay positive, and let me feel encouraged and try to share that feeling with some friends that are fighting through their own workout trials.

Actually, we've got a mutually beneficial relationship going here.  Mike and I seem to push each other.  Which in turns lets me and Steph encourage each other, which we then (Steph definitely more than me) harangue upon the Colonel.  It's an interesting synergy (what does that REALLY mean?  does anyone know?) that has formed around us.

After basketball practice, I took a little while to get the boys into bed, and then got to working out about 8:35-8:40.  A shade later than normal for me, but not too much out of the ordinary.

I was ready to workout.  Looking forward to it.

I got into the warmup, and really felt myself having trouble warming up.  The energy just wasn't there.

I started to get frustrated.

The second exercise was the one last week that really started the knee pain.

It started again.

More frustrated.

After about 7 or 8 reps of that one, I paused the workout.  My knee was hurting.  I reset my position and concentrated on form.  I restarted the workout, got through the 12 reps, and had mostly ameliorated the knee pain.

I decided to crank up the weight from last week on the dead lift with reverse row.  In this exercise, you do a full dead lift, holding the weights down with your palms out.  After a full dead lift, you go about halfway down, then do a reverse row.

For a guy with a gut and using REALLY WIDE dumbbells, this is very hard.

I paused the video again.  After 6.  I was really angry.  I was nearing rage mode.

I was going to move on to the next exercise.  Fuck, it, right?  I had stopped at 6 last week, I could again this week.

And I thought about Mike.  I would have let him down, in a way.  I thought of Steph, staying on the treadmill even after taking a phone to the coot.

I couldn't stop.

Not now.

So I left the video paused.  I banged out 6 more reps to get to 12.

And was on my merry way.

I found myself pushing myself even harder after that.  By the time I reached the end of the workout, I was exhausted.  Exhausted enough that I had trouble keeping my balance in the cooldown stretches.

It felt good.

1 comment:

  1. You want it to be uncomfortable. You want it to burn. Always remember that the discomfort is fleeting. Every time you feel that, you are breaking off a bad part of yourself, and rebuilding it stronger and better. But just be careful of pain. I have some shoulder pain, and some knee pain once in a while. I always adjust till the pain is gone, but the burn is there. Good job my friend!
