Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Failing at Eating...

Yesterday was tough.

A scheduled rest day, I made it through the day just fine.  Made a really tasty dinner that skirted the healthy guidelines.  It was nachos, but made with ground beef that I strained the fat from once it was cooked for 5 minutes under running water then blotted out on a towel.  That combined with whole grain tortilla chips, fat free cheese, and a shit-ton of vegetables on top, and all in all, it was healthy.  For nachos anyway.  I only gave myself a handful of the chips to begin with, because that was really the danger item health-wise, I figured.  Also, fresh bell peppers on nachos...along with the jalapeno and onion...holy schnikeys that's good stuff.

I sat down to watch the Syracuse and Boston Celtics games after playing with the boys for awhile and getting them to bed.  Sitting there watching the games, I started getting hungry.  Really hungry.  Like my own personal version of 127 Hours, except eating my arm instead of cutting it off.

I tried some mitigation techniques that have worked before.  But after 3 giant glasses of water, I was still hungry.

Maybe I really was hungry, and not just bored or whatever it was that caused me to overeat before.

So I went out to the fridge.  And saw the leftover pizza.  There was one slice left.  I knew that it had been a relatively healthy pizza, and that I could have that one slice and not completely blow away the day's food budget.

Oh My God.  It tasted so good.

And the seal had been broken.

The slice of pizza down and two servings of pork rinds later (don't hate on the pork rinds, they're little protein bombs...high in fat, but higher in protein), I was finally not hungry.

I'm an idiot.  I could have probably stopped after the pizza.  Or just had another protein shake for the day.

I'm not going to be too upset with myself.  If I dwell, I'll give myself outs.  Reasons to quit.  Old Fat Jason type stuff.  New Temporarily Fat Jason says "eff you, tomorrow's another day".

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