Thursday, January 26, 2012

Taking Stock

Last night was Burn Intervals and the Ab Burner workouts.  They were tough.

But I made it through.  I made it through quite well, actually.  There were a couple exercises that I had to slow down or take a break on, usually due to my back just getting sore, but I did MUCH more of the workout than I had in previous weeks.  Same thing with the Ab workout.  I was really much more effective at it.

Which got me thinking.  First, about Old Fat Jason.

Yup.  Not the most impressive specimen.

But, I've lost about 10 pounds on the program so far, and around 55 pounds overall since August.  In that time though, I've really started to notice some changes to my body finally since starting the workout program.

My pants size has dropped by two.  It's almost time for a new belt.  Shirts are fitting better.  Maybe there's something to this.

Even a few people have noticed and said something to me.  People that aren't really in my core group of friends.

I'm not going to lie, but that's encouraging.

Thinking about all that, I decided to get in the mirror last night and take stock...see what I could see.  It's really the first time I had done it since I started the program.

Holy crap.  I had defined muscles on my arms.  I had never had those before, even when I was in ROTC and in the best shape of my life.  I've always been strong.  My upper-body strength was never in question, but I never 'looked' strong in my arms.  But now I have a definite level of definition in my forearms and biceps.

I also noticed that I could see more of the wall behind me than before.  My moobs and gut weren't so in the way anymore.

It felt amazing.  Kinda like this:

(New Temporarily Fat Jason:  p-p-p-p-POWER!)

Yeah, the changes are small...but they are there.  And right now, they're enough.

Burn Circuit 3 after practice tonight.  I might oil myself up for it.  Do some flexing.



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