Sunday, January 8, 2012

Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 1...Day 1

Ok...I'm sweating.  Hard.

I just finished the first day of the program, called Burn Circuit 1.

Couple things I learned:
1.  Get more sets of handles for the resistance bands.  I'll be switching up between them.  One level of resistance isn't going to work for the whole circuit.

2.  Don't wear my running shoes.  Wear cross trainers.

3.  That chick is REALLY NICE TO LOOK AT.  And she's not annoying.  At all.  Not very rah-rah, which always seems a little...disingenuous to me.

So let's go over the exercises really quickly.

First is a couple minutes of warmup.  Stretches, really.  Some quick aerobic type stuff.  Pretty simple, but it gets you warm in a hurry.  And it's quick.

Sumo Squat w/ Hip Lift -- Actually pretty easy.  You squat like a sumo with the bands, then stand and raise each hip alternately.  Not much too it.

Lunge w/ Posterior Fly -- Yikes.  I hate lunges.  Then you do a fly at full lunge.

Push-up w/ Leg Lift -- Yup, you do a push-up, then lift your leg.  Repeat with the other leg.  I hate push-ups more than lunges.

Dead Lift with Posterior Fly -- Basically just a plain old Dead Lift, then fly behind you.  I really enjoyed this one.  This is one of the ones that I really needed a stronger band for.

Lunge with Core Rotation -- This one is a killer.  You lunge, then do a rainbow motion with bands while lunged, then a quick dip and back to standing.  Great exercise.

Bench Press with Leg Lower -- Another one I need a stronger band for.  You lay on your back, with your legs at 90 degrees.  Or if you're me...70ish degrees.  You do a bench press, and once you're at the top, as you lower, you lower your legs too.  Then raise your legs with the press.  Awesome exercise, really.

Squat w/ Side Bend -- You squat, stand, bend to your sides.  Another one for a stronger band.

Fwd-Lean Lunge w/ Posterior Fly -- Yay.  More lunges.  This one is harder than the first.  I don't really remember why, but it was.  Maybe I was more tired.

Chest Fly W/ Hip Lift -- On your back again, this time when you fly the weights, you lift your hips off the ground too.  Another really good exercise.  Another one for the stronger band.

Peppered in a few time is what they call 'extreme' exercises, which basically are ones you just did, just WAAAAY slower and you really need to concentrate on those muscle groups.  They work.  The last one is pushups.

You finish with more stretches.

Now, let me say, this might be the most fun workout program I've ever done.  There's juuuust the right amount of time in between exercises, and no repetition.  You do an exercise, and then you won't see it again that day.  This is good for me.  And the whole thing took 37 minutes.  And I'm sweating right now.  Hard.

I liked this one.  Alot.  And she's hot.

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