Sunday, March 18, 2012

Train Wreck Weekend

DISCLAIMER:  Mom, before you get all weird, we all had a very good time.  This weekend had a little bit of everything; basketball, playgrounds, moons, snakes, smoke bombs, and sparkler nipples.

I call this Train Wreck Weekend because of how I ate.  I don't know what came over me, but I ate this weekend.  Tons.  Plenty of healthy choices were made available to me, and no one forced the food into my mouth, but I ate pizza and cookies and chicken wings and taco dip and tortilla chips and pizza rolls and more taco dip and english muffins and was a train wreck, health wise.

I also had to unfortunately leave my nephew's birthday party early after my older son had an UTTER AND COMPLETE MENTAL BREAKDOWN.  It was extremely frustrating.  I had to leave, on the spot, with the boys.  And I wasn't happy.  I'm still pretty good and pissed off about it.  Not nearly as much as I was.  And I'll tell you why.

Once we got home, I worked out.  Lean Circuit 1.  And I hit it hard.  So much of the stress just melted away.  I can honestly say it is probably the first time that a workout has reduced my stress so noticeably.  It was relaxing and refreshing.  My daughter made us dinner while I worked out (the culinary student learned something tonight too...follow the MICROWAVE directions when using the MICROWAVE...ten minutes was WAY TOO LONG for turkey meatballs...but, I have plenty of practice golf balls for this summer now), and I was able to relax considerably.  After dinner we hung out for a bit, I got the boys in the tub and in bed, and was able to work on some of the sunrise pictures I took this morning.  I'll include them at the bottom of this post.

To get back to the stress thing, I have been able to get very relaxed during a run before.  At some point you just seem to hit a certain level of zen.  When I was running and training for the 5k I was supposed to do in October 2010, once I got into minute 15 or so of constant running, things would just become automatic.  Your body would run itself, to an extent.  It was, honestly, a spectacular feeling.  I'm looking forward to having that again in my runs.

Anyway, it was nice to have Saturday off from any kind of workout after such a packed week.  I did Lean Circuit 1 today, I will do week 2 day 1 of couch to 5k tomorrow, and maybe try out my foam roller.

Now for the pictures:

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