Monday, March 12, 2012

Finally Adding in a Run

I had a very hard day today.  Actually, yesterday and today were very difficult for me.  Lots of things going on. I'm trying to feel better about myself, but every time I start to, another slap hits me in the face, to remind me of who I really am.  It's very hard.  I think it affected my workout last night, as I just didn't have the energy for it that I should have.

Anyway, with some nice weather today, I was able to add a run back in.  I started back into the couch to 5k program, starting with week 1, day 1.  After picking up Seth and giving Arienne instructions for making dinner (which she did very well), I set out.

The run went extremely well.  I could have started at week 2, day 1, actually, I think.  It felt good.  Something I need to build on.  Anyway, here's the map of the run I did.

1.77 miles.  Probably one of the longest of the week 1 day 1 runs I've done.  Day 2 is Wednesday.  I'll probably to week 2 day 2.


  1. Awesome man! Well done! What app did you use?

  2. Just the android c25k app. It gives you audible cues on when to walk/run. I mapped this out on sportypal after I got home.
