Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Get Out of Your Head, Meat

So, I've been stuck on 292-293 for almost three weeks now.  EXTREMELY frustrating.  I had done so well, and lost quite a bit in relatively short order, that I expected that rate to at least continue, or at the worst, slow down.  Not to stop completely.  It made me angry.  Going from losing a routine 3-4 pounds per week to completely plateauing for so long did not keep me in my happy place.

Even with last week's cardio explosion (3 runs, 2 nights of 2-hour basketball sessions) on top of the workouts, I had actually gained after the Train Wreck Weekend (detailed previously in this blog).  Monday morning I was around 295-296.

This week started pretty well, actually.  My eating was more or less back to normal, although I've been EXTREMELY hungry this week.  I've curbed it mostly, but nonetheless, I've felt extremely hungry.  Sunday's workout was great.  My run Monday night was spectacular.  I really felt great, and was able to keep a better pace for myself than I had the last time I did couch to 5k.  I'm over 2 miles much quicker than I was before.

Last night was another 2 hours of basketball.  The gym was very hot last night, and by the time we finished, I was very tired.  I went home with the intentions of doing Lean Circuit 2, but 2 reps into the first exercise and my form was COMPLETELY fucked.  I decided to call it a night.  I will do that workout at lunch today.  Then a run tonight.  I believe I will continue running after the sun goes down in the evenings.  That worked out well for me.  I will skip the cardio and abs workout on the chalean extreme program for today, as between the running and the basketball (I am a post player, which is, actually, an amazing workout when playing full court), I'm sure I'm fine there.  I have another run tonight, and I'm really looking forward to it. weight.  I know it's not the most conducive thing to tie one's progress to the scale, but it's easy.  And from my basketball nights, I know that I have made some real gains in stamina and physical ability.  The people I play with have even noticed and remarked on it.  But that scale still calls to me.

I got on it before my shower (and after peeing...always after peeing, and sometimes after a good dookie too) and was expecting to see anywhere from 294-297.

It read 289.  I laughed and thought to myself "Yeah, ok...let's recalibrate this sucker", so I did.  Got back on.  289.  One more time, with feeling...289.

So, after train wreck weekend, and 2 days after seeing 296-ish...I was at 289.  I have no idea the science behind this.  Maybe my body has adjusted, my metabolism has increased.  Maybe I had cut back too far on the eating and my body was in starvation mode, although I never really felt hungry.  I wish I knew what the difference was so I could build on it.  Either way, I'm happy with it.  290 had turned into a real mental barrier for me.

1 comment:

  1. Super awesome!!! Never give up! Never surrender! ~ Signed, your non-entertaining, non-sniffing friend.
