Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Think I Might Have a Plan, Maybe.

With one weight workout to go in the Chalean Extreme program, I'm almost complete.  90 days of working out.  Let's see where I'm at.

I started about 371 pounds back in August.  When I began this workout program in January, I was 340.  Today I was 286 on the scale.  So that's 54 pounds in 90 days, and 85 pounds overall.  Since the beginning of the workout, I've gone from a 46 waist to a 40 waist in pant size.  I'm also not terribly far from 38, there.  If they had 39's, I'd probably be wearing those.  I'm also down from 4xl/3xl shirts to 2xl.  So, I would say resounding success there.

There are some issues, too, though.  All the way through the Burn and Push circuits, I was able to crank up the weight every week, sometimes significantly so.  In the Lean Circuit, I've only been able to do it with 3 exercises.  Also, this phase is supposedly the major 'results' phase, and my results have actually tapered off significantly.

So here's the plan.

I'm going to take the next two weeks off.  No training program, other than my running.  I'll keep playing basketball.  In those two weeks, however, I'm going to condition myself to working out in the mornings.  I'm going to get up early (which I already do, but just kinda loaf around for a while) and get to working out, using a placeholder for the weight training that will take place on those days.  I'll probably do stretching type stuff and simple body-resistance type stuff like push-ups and sit-ups.  That way, I can leave my evenings open for runs/basketball, which is when I like to do those.  I'm also going to finally giving up the smoking, which I've tapered off considerably the last several weeks, but it needs to stop once and for all.  These two weeks should give me the opportunity to do that.

Once those two weeks are up, I'm going to restart the Chalean Extreme program for another run.  This time starting each phase with the weights that I ended them with in the previous run.  I kept all my log pages, so I'll have them to go off of.

Hopefully, after another run of the the program, I'll be in the 245-250 range, and can look into seriously doing a p90x or p90x2 type program, and be able to do it the right way.

Also, would anyone be interested in scans of my log pages?  They're kind of interesting, to me anyway, as I took pretty decent notes about the workouts.

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