Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stream of...not Consciousness...well Whatever...

I don't like stickers.  Not one bit.

I miss eating like a fat guy sometimes.  Being able to just make or get something without having to think about it's's liberating.

The guy that sits next to me at work hates Masterpoo Theatre.  Says it makes him uncomfortable.  I think he's just covering up for something.

I feel like, no matter what decision I make, it will ultimately be the wrong one, and that's a heavy burden sometimes.

The variety of sounds people make when they sneeze fascinate me.  Some people are somewhat mute, reserved...other people could use that sound as their superpower.  I've heard people create sneeze sounds that I'm pretty sure would incapacitate children and most dogs.

Scott doesn't have time for my shit.

Steph hates Muppets.  And then she tried to backtrack somewhat by saying "fyi - I watched the Muppet Babies cartoon religiously!  And I was 15 by then.  Or doesn't that count?  I can still sing the theme song.  I won't, but I could."  My response was 'That's like Goebbels saying "Sure, I gassed a bunch of them, but I love their bagels".'

Those two things aren't really similar in any respect.  Most likely downright offensive to many people.  See statement four.

This run by the Celtics since the all-star break has just been downright amazing.  They almost completely re-invented themselves.  I was not a big fan of Doc Rivers when he was brought on as the coach way back when, but he is definitely the right coach for this team at this time.

Why do some women walk like they are attacking the floor?  Like the floor burned their village and raped their mother when they were kids?'re like 130 pounds and you sound louder walking than I do, even when you are in sneakers.

The weather lately has sucked for running.  I actually begged off my scheduled run for last night, as intermittently throughout the day we had been getting surprise rain storms.  But I'm still on track, I think.  I got out Sunday for a good long run, but made the mistake of hitting the steepest incline RIGHT AT THE END OF MY RUN.  It was bad.  Pretty sure I was running slower than I could have walked it.  I only had a minute left, so I cut it off before my heart exploded.  It kinda looked like this:

1 comment:

  1. Did you disco up the hill??? That would be one helluva workout.
