Monday, April 2, 2012

I Didn't Think I Had One of These...

Alright, being a complete and utter idiot...I didn't take a 'before' picture.  But, recently I spent some time converting my entire Lightroom catalog to DNG, and found one.  In all actuality, this is pretty much exactly the same as I was before I started the Chalean program.  Here it is, in all it's 'glory'.

Yeah, pretty damn frightening, right?  Anyway, here's the after, taken tonight with Conrad's help.

Now, the perspective is a little skewed, but there are some differences.  First, I can really see it in my face/neck.  Also, take my word for it, but the belly is quite a bit smaller.  Know how I can tell?  There's space between my arms and my tits.  I had hoped for a more marked difference, but I'll take what I can get. I wish I had taken a profile pic, as I'm sure that would show much more difference in my gut.

I also did week 4, day 1 of couch to 5k tonight.  It sucks with a cold.  At one point I just started drooling uncontrollably.  Constant drooling...I couldn't keep it in my mouth, it was just slavering out all over.  I probably looked like a damn basset hound.

Oh well, I finished it.

1 comment:

  1. I see you almost every workday and I will gladly testify that you have dropped a significant amount of gut. Seriously, you are hot! Despite the whole oozing face thing. Blah!

    BTW, this is my fave "before" pic of you.

    I'm so glad I saved those AOP webpages! HAHA!
