Friday, May 11, 2012

The One Where I Didn't Intend to Run a Pseudo-5k...But Did

Yeah.  Kind of a 'holy shit' morning.

Let's backtrack.  Yesterday, when work was over, the rain was spitting a little.  I also knew that I was going to be running this morning (provided I didn't keep hitting 'snooze' for 2 hours).  So instead of trying to fit in a run between raindrops, I decided to just shelve the idea for last night.

I set the DVR for the Celtics game (nice win...I honestly was never really worried..I've seen this edition of the Celtics win exactly this type of game so many times in the last 4 years) and met a friend to catch a movie.  After the movie, I got home, watched the C's game, and went to bed.

After only an hour of pushing the 'snooze' button this morning, I decided to get up and bang out this run.  I sat at the computer long enough to polish off a tall glass of water, a couple ibuprofen and the morning vitamin, then got dressed for the run.  The bluetooth headphones weren't cooperating, so I had to use regular wired ones (sooo do I manage?).

So I started off from my house with a decent walk for about 5 minutes with some stretches here and there, get blood moving.  During that time I was thinking about my run.  I knew I had said two 15-minute runs with a 3-minute walk in between, but that 10 minute interval from the previous run had just worked so well.  I decided to do a 10-minute run with a 2-minute walk break (instead of 3) then another 10.

I did just that.  It felt great.  Just incredible.  So, after the 2nd 10 minutes, I decided to take another 2 minute break then run some more.

I did that.  And it felt great.  When that 10 minutes was over, I thought "Well, eff it.  I've run this long and this far, I still feel good...I'll take a 1-minute walk break and keep going.  Maybe I'll do a full 5k".

And that's totally what happened. <-- view the map! (runkeeper's embed code doesn't work)

I'm really....realllllly pumped right now about it.  I finished in a shade over 37 minutes, a time which, seriously, I'd be ecstatic about for the 5k in a little over a week.  Seriously, I would be really happy about it.

So I think I might have found my running technique.  10-minute intervals seem to be my magic number right now.  I never got that back soreness...never felt overly-fatigued...just went amazing.  I think my 5k plan will be 10-minute intervals with a minute or two walk in between.

I'm freaking pumped.  So here's me riding a space unicorn again:

I really like this one...

1 comment:

  1. You go, Space Unicorn Jockey!!!!! Very proud of you! Good job!
