Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finally Got Out for a Run

The planets all finally aligned yesterday.  No rain (it held off until about an hour after I ran), didn't need someone to watch the kids (they were with Amy, which sucks), and I had the time.

Now, I've basically had two weeks off from running.  When I had the time it was raining.  When it wasn't raining, for whatever reason, I couldn't run.  I've done a couple small runs in there, but nothing like I should have been doing.

Especially with a 5k in a week and a half.

So anyway, with the couch to 5k plan pretty well shot, I'm kinda winging it now.  I decided last night, that instead of trying to do a solid 25 minute or so run, which I probably couldn't do and would piss me off that I couldn't, I would do 2 10-minute runs at a decent clip, with a 3-minute walk in between.

That's exactly what I did.  And about half-way through that second run, I hit that magic moment where your body just starts going on automatic.  You don't even realize that it's happening until you realize that you've spent the last 5 minutes thinking about anything other than running, and not on purpose.

For instance, last night, my mind wandered to arcade cabinets.  Which it often does anyway, but last night I think I actually nailed down a design for my next arcade cabinet.  While running.  Once my mind got back to the running, I had efficiently burned off about 7 minutes worth of running.

So, here's my plan.  I basically have 8 days before the 5k.

Thursday (today):  Might fit in a one-mile 'fast' run.  I've done a couple of these, and I love them.  It's just one mile, but at a much faster pace than I normally run.  Might not have time today as I have something going on tonight, but I might be able to squeeze it in.

Friday (tomorrow):  This depends on if I can get my butt up early enough in the morning.  I really don't like running in the morning, but it's the only time I'll have to do it.  I'd like to do something similar to yesterday, this time two 15-minute runs separated by a 3-minute walk.

Saturday:  I might be able to get a one-miler in.  Maybe.

Sunday:  This will be another long one.  I'm thinking 20 minutes, 3 minute walk, 10 minutes.  This should end up being ALMOST a full 3 miles.

Monday:  One-miler.

Tuesday:  Same as Sunday.  This might be the plan I use for the 5k, except with a one-minute walk.

Wednesday:  Taking it off.

Thursday:  This will be my 5k dress-rehearsal.  I'll do 3.1 miles.  No matter how long it takes me.

Friday:  Taking it off, lots of water.  Maybe a pasta dinner.

Anyway, that's my plan.  Now I've never had a plan actually work, but I'm going to try hard with this one.  Here's to hoping.

1 comment:

  1. I know you can do it! You've already accomplished so much.
