Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beyond Blubberdome: Week...uhh...Blue? I Don't Know. DON'T JUDGE ME, MIKE!

This is a story about love, betrayal, and ascendance.

First, love.  Let me tell you about this man I know.  Let's call him 'Hason'.  Definitely not 'Jason', though.  Just get that right out of your head.  Anyway, Hason has a great love.  It's bacon.  And steak.  Nachos, cheese, these foodstuffs are all in his little black book.  If there was a screenplay, the Oscar scene would go like this:

Meat:  [Just sits there longingly on the plate, or stick]

Hason: You are too much for me, Meat, you sonofawhoreson bitch!  I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU!

[Definitely not a buttsex scene now...I'm paraphrasing.  No cowboy hats, either.  I look stupid in those.  I mean Hason does.  Dammit.]

Next is betrayal.  About a month ago, it was time for new sneakers for Hason and the boys.  Ok, that whole 'Hason' thing was stupid.  About a month ago, it was time for new sneakers for ME and the boys.  We shopped around until only I was left.  I found a nice pair (I thought at the time anyway) of Filas at some store in the mall.  It's like "Famous Footwear" or "Awesome Footwear" or "Arby's".  One of those.  Anyway, they were relatively cheap and surprisingly comfortable.  I purchased them with no hesitation.

Ok, hold on, guitar solo in Stairway To Heaven is about to start...I need to pause for some epic air guitar...




...  annnnnnd I'm back.

Anyway, so I wore my new Filas for about a month.  They started to come unglued in a couple spots on the heel, but the hot glue gun (I'M CRAFTY!) fixed those.

Something else was going on, though.  My left knee was getting sore.  REALLY sore.  Any motion at all irritated it, and working out, doing squats and the like, made it feel loose, like it was slipping side to side.

Not good.  Not good at all.

So I took a week off to let it come back, only doing the running, which didn't irritate it at all, and it usually felt better for a little while after.  I sat thinking about this one day, did some calendar math in my head.


So that day, on lunch (about a week ago), I headed over to Dick's *giggle* and went back to an old standby.  Asics.  Gels, in particular.  I've had a pair of these off and on for almost twenty years now.  (I'm getting old...I plucked a hair out of my goddamn earlobe the other day.  Wtf?)  I've always liked them, but usually went with other options based on price.  I was going to get a pair no matter what.  Lucikly, I hit a bit of a deal at Dick's *hehe*, and was able to snag a pair relatively cheap.

Guess what?  It was the Filas.  My knee pain was 90% cleared up in 2 days.  I still get a twinge sometimes, but it's nothing like before.  I guess I'm sticking with Asics for my walkaround shoes from now on.  (On a side note, because we haven't had many of these so far ((DON'T JUDGE ME, MIKE!)), I use Brooks Adrenaline GTS for running, and they're downright awesome.  Great fat-guy running shoes)

Anyway, like I said, I've still been running, adding runs on lunch to get used to running in some heat.  And for anyone that might see me running on lunch, I'm sorry.  Yup, I am the walrus.  Koo-koo ka fuck you.

Finally, ascendance.  I'm still writing that chapter.  I've actually had some good luck lately (I can't believe I just wrote that...I'm probably going to get hit by a frozen turd ejected from the ISS that made it through re-entry when I go outside next).  I was able to trade in the Bonneville on a 2012 Jeep Liberty, which I like immensely.  I had a photo show with some friends at the Seward House, and actually sold a print to a pro photographer, so that's exciting.  And somehow...I'm not sure how, I've actually lost a half pound throughout this whole ordeal.  So that's nice.

I've also got a plan to continue.  I've got a 5k saturday, and already signed up for the Great Race this year, running for a team with Steph and another coworker, Kat, or Kate, or creepy chick that makes lampshades out of cat x-rays.  (There's NO WAY I wasn't working that in there.  Sorry.)

So, Auntie...GAME ON.

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