Tuesday, September 18, 2012

French Toast

Is my favorite non-meat breakfast food.  With a stupid amount of butter.  But no syrup.  That ruins french toast.  It better be crispy on the outside too.


  1. My mother wants you to know that she's very disappointed in you. While she applauds your desire for crispy french toast, she loves syrup. She's not even Canadian. She also reads your blog and wants to know when you're going to do something funny again. She says she's not keen on the toilet monologues, but I think she secretly loves them (considering how much time she herself sits in a bathroom). So, she'd like a funny update and preferably one without jiggly boobs in it. Unless it's REALLY funny. Thank you.

  2. Oh, and if you insist on no syrup, then butter is totally the way to go. But since she's a syrup endorser, you can't do butter. They both just end up slipping off the french toast like a redneck freshly bathed in Crisco wrestling a pig in mud. (She's from Sempronius and went to school in Moravia. Sometimes we don't ask.) Thank you again for your consideration.
